I'm a big portal fan, never played Half Life, so after a talk with a fellow monkee, I was recommended Black mesa.
So after getting a tip that the game is/was ridiculously cheap I bought it a few months ago, started playing, got stuck after half an hour and quit.
I know, it's a combination of ADHD, my age I guess and the fact that it's the time of year that playing videogames is not on my to do list.
But something started "gnawing" at me; the summer is on it's way out and I'm in need for adventure again, so I gave it a second shot.
To the point; the game is outdated graphic wise of course, but it doesn't bother me.
The gameplay is very nice and smooth, the story line awesome sauce.
Sometimes a bit too quiet, except for screaming, groaning, moaning and the casual talks from fellow "soon to die" colleagues.
I would like to hear Gordon talk to bond with him (hahaha), if I was walking in his shoes, I would talk to myself the entire time.
It took way too long to get a crowbar and a gun for my taste (I'm a trigger happy monkee) and a lot of times I stared into oblivion, it's so friggin'dark!
But I will make more miles in this game, I'm just starting, I read that there are puzzels to solve, I'm not even there yet.