It had to be done, this review.
Age of Empires came out in 1997, I can't remember the first time I played it, but I was hooked immediately.
When 2 came out I was happy the peppy, but after 2 I couldn't play the others (Age of mythology etc) because my computer said no.
Now you can buy the entire collection on Steam for about 65 Euros, I kept my cool and bought only 2 with the Rome expansion for 14,51 Euros.
I can be quick about this game, an awesome RTS game; you start with a small group of villagers that "Forgare" (I always remembered that word and say it in some sort of Swedish accent)
and do other villager stuff to build the best empire ever. You gather food, stone, gold and wood and keep on going until you have a big ass army, holy people, a big ass wall and enough knowledge to whipe out everybody on the map, muahahaha. Mostly I play the Skirmish, you can play campaign, co-op or online with friends or Shmiends.
The forgivingness of the game depends on the diffilculty level and/ or your opponent(s) of course.
It's not a fast pace game and that's why I love it, an awesomesauce way to chill, relax and let time fly.