There's a big explosion and you crash into the ocean in a damaged pod and you wake up.
A survival game, I got that, but there's no guide, bot, spirit or side kick that will lead you the way how to start, so it took me some time to figure things out.
I like games where you have no clue where to begin, but my frustration level was too high too soon with this game. I don't need a walk through, but some basic sjizzle was appreciated.
I couldn't believe this game was all about finding food and making drinkable water, but so it seemed. I couldn't focus on the cool stuff, because I kept starving.
After my partner in crime did some research and suggested I changed the game style in "never hungry or thirsty" the game became more intertesting for me.
The story line is like so many other games. Gather materials, food and water and built a station where you can live, do research and wait to be saved.
The enviroment is beautiful, I'm happy the surroundings are kinda fairytale like, it's thalassofobia proof.
The creatures are original, but in the 10 plus hours I played the game, the same creatures kept popping up and the fear of meeting new ones disappeared.
I didn't have the gear to set sail for miles and miles. I kept in the area of my pod, because my bagpack was full all the time and the only storage space was placed in my pod.
There are some lost crates floathing in the ocean somewhere, cause I couldn't figure out how to place a beacon.
I couldn't bear any more patience after starting to built a few tubes of my space under water station, cause of the repetitiveness of it all and the frustration of
interuption while gathering stuff, by swimming to the surface to get air every few minutes, even after making a bigger oxygen tank.
Scanning fish and other creatures is a pain in the ass with the playstation controller.
The game is much more forgiving when playing on PC with mouse and keyboard.
My partner in crime started playing the game (on PC) and is way more dedicated than I am.
He has a complete station, a submarine, a diving machine thing a majig a space suit and a pet shark...joking about the shark.
He talks about aliens and freaky deaky things, so maybe I should give it a go again... or not and watch him play